Renee J

Renee J



Tell us about your survivor journey
Hello, my name is Renee Jennings-Cooper. I am 49 years old, married and have one son.

My journey has been tasking, as I am a 2x survivor. I was first diagnosed with breast cancer in December of 2012, after receiving a MRI. I choose to have a lumpectomy procedure followed by radiation. It was recommended for me to take a cancer blocker pill for five years. Well, I remained compliant with my physicians recommendations.

On December 28, 2017, I received a 3D mammogram at 11:30 a.m. I was cleared and was told to return back in one year. Well, I had scheduled my MRI on the same day at 1:45 p.m. Both my husband and I were assured everything would be okay, so we went to Coopers Hawk restaurant to get something to eat upon the completion of the MRI test.

Well our meal was good and our conversation of our past was intriguing. We had just finished eating and was waiting for our check. Then my cellphone rang. I can remember receiving the call like it was today. The Radiologist called around 5:30 p.m. and said: “Mrs. Jennings-Cooper, I am calling from Henrico Radiology Department regarding your MRI results. We found a mass on the right breast and will have someone to call you to schedule a biopsy “. I told the gentleman, “this cannot be possible, because, I was cleared this morning”. Before, I could finish the sentence, he chimed in and said: “Oh, we are aware of your having a mammogram this morning, but we have found a mass on the MRI”. I was lost for words. I told my husband what the gentleman said and asked him to take me home. That was a long ride.

Multiple things were going thru my head. When we arrived home, I started questioning God! I laid down and took a nap. I pondered and thought, maybe this is a dream. Then, I began to pray and question God again. Of course, I cried and yelled out: “Lord, why me again and the disease came back in the same breast”. After pacing throughout the house, I became tired, sat in a chair and began to pray again, but this time with detailed questions in conjunction with asking for direction, strength and peace!

After the prayer, I felt better. I turned on the television and a commercial for CTCA (Cancer Treatment Center of America) was advertised. I really didn’t pay it any attention. So, the commercial came on again. Well….. I listened, but was puzzled. I guess the spirit of the Lord had to run the commercial a 3rd time in order for me to get the message! Of course, I got it!. I called the number and provided my information.

Well, to get to the point, I went to CTCA in Philadelphia. My 2nd experience was out of this world. The commercial is nothing like the experience of being treated from a holistic perspective.

On March 6, 2018, after following my team’s recommendations, I had a mastectomy followed by four rounds of chemotherapy.

I continue with my follow up appointments every three months. Thus far, everything is good.

The most important part of my experience is remaining faithful, receiving and sharing not just my story, but love, support and hope!

What has been the biggest source of support through your journey?
My family, both internal and external, friends, colleagues and church family.

What are some lessons you have learned throughout your survivor journey?
Regardless of what I go thru, continue to thrive and live my life. Things I cannot control, turn it over to God.

Do you have any advice for a newly diagnosed survivor? What would that advice be and why?
I tell survivors today, to remain prayed up, have encounters with positive people, process their feelings and try not to worry or be afraid. I remind them they are never alone. Also, I share literature and refer them to resources.

In the space below, feel free to add any additional information like extra stories, lessons to live by, meaningful life quotes, advice or unique factors that contribute to your survivor journey.
Hope: Fear not, for I am with you. Be not dismayed, for I am your God. I will strengthen you, yes, I will help you. I will uphold you with the right hand of righteousness. Isaiah 41:10. Life takes us to unexpected places. Love brings us home. Follow the path where your dreams may take you. Remember, faith is not believing that God can, it is knowing that God will!

Retailer Information:
Pink Ribbon Boutique
Richmond, VA
Phone: (804) 282-4679

3 Responses

  1. This is sue God bless you and keep you keep the faith and hold o to God unchanging hand 🖐 please read Revelation 21:4 love you guys .

  2. Hey Renee, Blessing to you!!! This is Rhonda from VSU. Praying for you continuously !!!💞

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