Faye M

Face of Inspiration Placeholder



Tell us about your survivor journey.
I was a breast Cancer survivor 11 years ago and had a partial Mastecomy. This year June I had a partial on the same breast and when the results came back from pathology, I was back in surgery in July not even a month apart having a full Mastecomy. You think how much can one handle.

What has been the biggest source of support through your journey?
My family and Coworkers

What are some lessons you have learned throughout your survivor journey?
Not to take life for granted and enjoy every moment

Do you have any advice for a newly diagnosed survivor? What would that advice be and why?
You have to be strong and a fighter, say to yourself, I’m a fighter and i can get through this. Don’t be a downer.

In the space below, feel free to add any additional information like extra stories, lessons to live by, meaningful life quotes, advice or unique factors that contribute to your survivor journey.
Live life to the fullest, enjoy every moment and don’t put off what can be done today.

Twin Sisters Mastectomy Boutique
Address: 440 Brown’s Line, Etobicoke, ON M8W 3T9, Canada
Phone: +1 416-259-1328
Website: https://tsmastectomy.com/

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American Breast Care is one of the leading producers of post-mastectomy products supplying: mastectomy bras, breast forms, custom prosthetics, post-surgery products & accessories worldwide.

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