Susanne O
Tell us about your survivor journey. In 1996 I was diagnosed with “infiltrating carcinoma”. I was 35 years old at the time. Cancer was such
ABC’s Face of Inspiration Campaign is a platform that encourages survivors to share their unique stories & breast cancer journey. Our goal with this platform is to create a space where survivors can share resources, build community & speak openly about their experiences.
Submissions are welcome year round (Jan.1- Dec 31). Our platform allows for written & video testimonials (survivors can choose which option they’d like to submit). Stories will be featured on our website and shared via ABC’s social media platforms. FOI contributors will be notified of the “Inspiration Spotlight” prior to its release.
Tell us about your survivor journey. In 1996 I was diagnosed with “infiltrating carcinoma”. I was 35 years old at the time. Cancer was such
Tell us about your survivor journey. At age 28 I was initially tested for the BRCA 1 gene as my mother and aunt both had
Tell us about your survivor journey. I was a breast Cancer survivor 11 years ago and had a partial Mastecomy. This year June I had
Tell us about your survivor journey. I was diagnosed on May 16, 2018. When I was told I couldn’t breathe. I was in shock. When
Tell us about your survivor journey. My journey began on June 30th, 2016-the day after my 22nd birthday. After finding my lump that day (and
Tell us about your survivor journey. I was diagnosed with Invasive Ductile Carcinoma Breast Cancer days after I had my sweet girl.. I am fighting
Tell us about your survivor journey. My cancer journey started on September 10,2015. My doctor’s office called telling me to come to his office right
Tell us about your survivor journey. For more than 20 years I’ve been faithfully receiving mammograms and always had a clear result. there were two
Tell us about your survivor journey.This is a speech I was asked to give, It was originally written in 2015, redone in 2018 on terms
Tell us about your survivor journey. I’m living a fantastic life as a METS survivor. I retired from a career in federal law enforcement to